Storytelling through meaningful hospitality experiences.
We look to take the elements that we love about classic hosting, recipes, and service standards and how we can apply them to our modern world. We love pianos, books, and cowboy boots. Our signature drink is the one that is coldest, we eat with our eyes, and the devil is always in the details.
Products consumed start with the products sourced, and services served are only as good as your last hire. We believe in resurrecting the past, in keeping the direction straightforward, and in connecting the world through sacred geometry.

Lost Boy Dry Goods
Downtown Miami
We’ve combined our love for a good English pub with the feel of an old Captain’s tavern in a Colorado miner’s saloon.

Española Way, Miami Beach
For the weary traveler and the lively local, a refreshing escape from the typical; an intersection of sacred geometry where mistakes are excused, and all slippery souls are welcome.

Brother’s Keeper
Miami Beach
Inspired by New York City and its connection to Miami during the 1980s, Brother’s Keeper is an establishment living between two worlds. It’s a no-fuss, trust-no-tears kind of joint that just may be the start of a comedy or the end of a tragedy, an unexpected offering in disguise of well-built drinks and delicious bites.

Fox’s Lounge
South Miami
Tucked along the bustling road of South Dixie Highway, Fox’s Lounge is a landmark establishment for the South Miami community since 1946.